Sunday, April 19, 2015

WEEK 3: Unit 3

Image result for blade runnerRobotic art is defined as any artwork that contains some sort of automated technology. Nikola Tesla is best known for developing the modern alternating current and his "device was literally the birth of robotics, though he is seldom recognized for this accomplishment" ("Tesla- Life and Legacy: Race of Robotics). These human-like machines are integrated in sci-fi movies like Blade Runner where cyborgs are manufactured by giant corporations. (Blade Runner). 

The basis for robotic science was created from the works of Michael Faraday who greatly contributed to electromagnetism and electrochemistry, with robotics most applicable to his principle of induction in 1831 (Lecture). 

Industrialization has played a large role in the interactions between art and robotics. Walter Benjamin, a German-Jewish intellect of the 1930s wrote the piece The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In this he makes the effort to describe a theory of art that would be "useful for the formulation of revolutionary demands in the politics of art" (Benjamin). 

It makes sense that we study the history of how robotics and art came to be before we learn about it as a present day practice because Benjamin believes "the manner in which human sense perception is organized, the medium in which it is accomplished, is determined not only by nature but by historical circumstances as well" (Benjamin 214). 


Works Cited

"Blade Runner: The Final Cut (2007)". Box Office Mojo. Retrieved April 12,2014.

"Tesla- Life and Legacy: Race of Robotics." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2015.

Walter Benjamin (1968). Hannah Arendt, ed. "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction", Illuminations. London: Fontana. pp. 214–218.


  1. I love that you used Blade Runner as a reference, and it is crazy that it is almost 2019 (the year that the movie was set in). It is always amazing how sci-fi fils predicts things of the future that actually do happen. There is an Instagram account called @bladerunnerreality that shows how close our modern world is to that today! :)

  2. I appreciated the fact that your brought up industrialization because that was a huge part of the shift in art and formation of robotics. Society and America as we know it today has been deeply impacted from that age ad it is cool to see how far we have come. Good work!
